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Get more website clicks using Instagram for business

How to Drive Website Traffic With Instagram

Looking for some new ways to drive traffic from Instagram to your business offers or products? Here are four easy to implement techniques that you can start using today and will instantly increase traffic to your links.

1. Add links IGTV video descriptions

One of the limited spaces Instagram allow you to place links is within an IGTV description. This is a very under utilised technique and it can quickly provide you with a steady stream of traffic to your chosen link.

Create a native video (over one minute in length) with your offer or call to action. People tuning in will be able to click on any hyperlinks to offers or products you chose to leave in the video’s description.

Below is an example from one of our IGTV videos promoting a free Instagram tutorial. At the bottom of the description we have added a hyperlink to the course so that viewers can quickly link through.

2. Add links on Instagram direct message

Links added into your direct messages act as hyperlinks. If you’re having a chat with a potential client or customer then be sure to point them in the direction of your services using a relevant URL link.

Customers can be sent to a location to find out more or purchase products via your website.

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3. Links added into Instagram Stories (spoiler - you don’t need 10,000 followers)

Don’t have a business or creator account with over 10,000 followers? Fear not as this hack will create a steady stream of traffic to your website.

You’ve likely seen some Instagram accounts that have the ‘swipe up’ to view feature on their stories. This is a feature activated on accounts when you reach 10,000 followers.

Luckily there is an easy way to achieve a similar feature by using your IGTV account. Create a video themed around your call to action, add the links as mentioned in #1 above.

Now when adding this IGTV to your Instagram Stories be sure to click the URL link icon at the top of the screen. This will automatically add a ‘swipe up link’ for the viewer to head directly to your IGTV post where your call to action URL links will be waiting in the video’s description.

4. Add a link to your Instagram bio (plus a pro tip for multiple URL links)

Use a simple call to action such as ‘see link in bio’ to direct your followers to a hyperlink with services, an offer, or products.

Although this option on the account bio is limited to just one linkable URL there is an easy hack you can follow to expand this offering.

PRO TIP: There are apps such as LinkTree ( that allow you to create multiple links to various offers. You can also create a dedicated page on your website that has multiple buttons linking to various offers, services, or products.

Simply add that new page URL to your bio and you’ve created your very own free link tree alternative.

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Got your own Instagram account URL and link hacks?

Please feel free to share them with us and we’ll be sure to add them in to the post for everyone to enjoy.